Budgeting Basics with Excel ( Jul 03, 2024 )
Essentials of Budgeting with Excel - start with basic Excel skills with more advanced topics in Excel over the session. The focus will be on understanding the essentials of budgeting and forecasting techniques along with Excel functions.
Essentials of Budgeting with Excel - start with basic Excel skills with more advanced topics in Excel over the session. The focus will be on understanding budgeting and forecasting methods. Basic functionality, including saving files, navigation, and basic formula creation with an introduction to more advanced level topics, including the use of functions and formulae, as well as skills to audit your spreadsheets and improve overall accuracy. Day 1 will review basic Excel functionality, and days 2 and 3 will focus on using these skills to develop budgets using formulas and variables. Sessions will include case studies to develop their own solutions with Excel. Participants must bring a laptop (with a mouse) with Excel (instructions will be based on the Windows version). The cost for members is $150.00, and the cost for non-members is $385.00 (which includes AFOA Alberta membership). Sessions will be conducted at the AFOA AB Learning Center in Enoch, Alberta. The course starts at 9:00 am each day. Sessions include lunch.